Best Altcoin Exchanges For 2021

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Best Altcoin Exchanges For 2021

How to Buy Altcoins (BEST Altcoin Exchanges 2021)

56,929 viewsMar 22, 2021 

BitBoy Crypto 1.2M subscribersOver the weekend, Ethernity Chain crushed it and I expect this to continue for a long time. It’s an up-and-coming coin. We received many comments this weekend about how to buy ERN. With this mad rush of people into crypto recently, there’s been a steep learning curve for people trying to learn how to buy altcoins. Many people don’t know where to buy altcoins if they aren’t on the most popular crypto trading exchanges. I’m going to show you have to use the best site to buy altcoins that aren’t on Coinbase or In this video, I’ll teach you EXACTLY how to buy low cap coins like ERN and get in on them before they moon. You’ll learn how to identify which exchange certain altcoins are trading on, and how you can trade on those exchanges. I’ll show you how to use Uniswap, BitSwap, and Metamask. 0:00 Intro 1:09 Tutorial 3:58 Metamask 5:40 BitSwap ⭐ 1 Million Subscriber Giveaway! ⭐ As we approach 1 million subscribers on YouTube, we will be giving away 1 full Bitcoin, 5 Ethereum, & 4,000 Cardano to 10 lucky winners. Sign up for the contest here ➡️… Connect with Me & the BitSquad! Join the BitSquad ➡️ Join the BitBoy Lab ➡️ http://discord.BitBoy.Live Join BitSquad Traders ➡️ Join Me on Twitter ➡️ Join Me on Instagram ➡️ Join Me on TikTok ➡️ ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●  ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● All of our videos are strictly personal opinions. Please make sure to do your own research. Never take one person’s opinion for financial guidance. There are multiple strategies and not all strategies fit all people. Our videos ARE NOT financial advice.

Best Altcoin Exchanges For 2021

Best Altcoin Exchanges For 2021

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00:00Over the weekend, Ethernity Chain crushed it.00:03And I expect this to continue for a long time.00:05It’s an up-and-coming coin.00:06This one is just getting started.00:09But we received many comments this weekend about how to buy it.00:12It seems like with this mad rush of people into crypto recently,00:15there’s been a steep learning curve for people trying to learn how to buy coins.00:19Today, I’m going to show you how to use a decentralized exchange00:22in order to buy altcoins that aren’t on Coinbase or Binance.US.00:26Let’s get it!00:32BitSwap is the hottest new way to trade tokens.00:35Crawling all the top decentralized exchanges,00:37BitSwap gets you the very best price and value for your trades.00:40BitSwap is changing the game.00:42Try it now at to BitBoy Crypto! The largest crypto channel in all the Interwebs.00:48My name is Ben.00:49Everyday on this channel, I show you how to make money in cryptocurrency.00:53If you like money and crypto, then make sure to subscribe for your chance to win one full Bitcoin.00:58In today’s video, I’m going to be showing you guys how to figure out where to buy altcoins01:02and how to use a decentralized exchange in order to make the trades.01:06So let’s go ahead and jump into the tutorial.01:09Okay, so it’s came to my attention that a lot of people that are watching the channel are newer.01:12You don’t necessarily understand how to use Uniswap or BitSwap.01:16You don’t know how to find tokens, where you buy them and things like that.01:20So we’ll do a quick tutorial on this.01:22So the first thing you’ve got to do is you’ve got to figure out where to buy the token you’re looking at.01:27So in this example, we’re going to use Ethernity Chain because a lot of people asked me over the weekend,01:32along with how to buy ECOMI,01:34so we’re going to talk about that, too.01:35So, let’s start here by going to, on CoinGecko,01:42all you’ve got to do is click up here,01:44and you can see the top projects that are being searched right now.01:48You guys can see Ethernity Chain is right here.01:50ECOMI is here.01:51But if they were not on this list, you would just search it.01:54So let’s search for Ethernity Chain.01:57So it comes right up.01:58Make sure you’re looking at the right token.01:59ERN.02:01So you click here.02:02And it will take you to this page right here.02:05This is the token page.02:06It shows you everything you need to know about the coin you’re looking at.02:09Right now, the price is coming in at $42.46.02:11I think it topped out at about $46– $49.02:15Wow, almost hit $50.02:16You guys can see $50, you know, being some resistance there.02:19But what you can do at this point is come down here and click this tab, Markets.02:26This is going to show you every place that it is available at.02:31So you have Uniswap as the No. 1 place to get it.02:35You have and Bilaxy.02:37I’ve actually never used or Bilaxy.02:40If it’s on a decentralized exchange and the gas fees are not super high at that moment,02:45I usually use that because it’s just easier. You don’t have to create an account.02:49It all happens seamlessly.02:50So this is how you find out where to buy it.02:52Now, you’re going to need what’s called the contract address.02:58And we’re going to talk about what MetaMask is,03:00how to add it to MetaMask,03:02how to search your token to actually make the trade.03:05But I also want to show you guys something because a lot of you guys are asking me about ECOMI.03:09So let’s go over here to ECOMI.03:11And you guys can see that when you go here,03:13and you go down to markets,03:17you guys can see that it is on Bitforex and BitMax, two centralized exchanges.03:23It’s actually not on Uniswap right now.03:28It’s actually not an Ethereum token.03:31You can tell that because there’s no contract address here.03:35And for the explorers, this one is on Gochain.03:37So you guys can see that right there.03:40But let’s go ahead and move on.03:41I’m going to show you guys how to buy Ethernity Chain and how to use this.03:46So let’s go back to the Ethernity Chain page here on CoinGecko.03:51So here it is, Ethernity Chain.03:53You’re going to need to install MetaMask.03:56If you look up here at the top right hand side of my screen,03:59you see the fox.04:01This is the MetaMask logo.04:03So I’ve already installed MetaMask on to my browser.04:08So for you to do that, just Google MetaMask extension,04:12and then you’re going to be able to see right here.04:14Make sure that you’re using, you know, the legit website,, Google Ads can have scams in them.04:22So you see one at the top that says Ad,04:25stay away.04:26So right here, if you click on, it’s going to take you to the MetaMask website.04:30It’s going to show you how to download it.04:33It’s going to give you some description on what it is, how to use it, and things like that.04:37So if you just click Download,04:40it’s going to take you to the MetaMask download page.04:44You just click Install MetaMask for Chrome.04:46It’s going to take you to the Chrome Web Store,04:49and you’re going to install it.04:50Now, you can install this on Chrome or on Firefox.04:54I think they have it for Safari, but I’ve never used it for Safari.04:58So once you have this downloaded,05:00you’re going to enable it on your download list over here.05:04You’re just going to come down here, click on settings.05:06So once you’re on the settings page,05:07you can come down here to extensions and click this,05:10and it’s going to show you all the different extensions,05:12and, of course, you can, you know, check out the details or enable.05:16You just turn it on right here.05:18And then, of course, you can add it to your top bar up here,05:22so it’s available at all times.05:24So that’s how you install MetaMask.05:26So let’s show you how to use it.05:28Here, we’re on,05:30and you can click Use Uniswap,05:34and it’s going to take you to the actual app where you make trades.05:38I don’t use Uniswap.05:39I use is my personal decentralized exchange aggregator.05:45This crawls Uniswap along with a ton of other decentralized exchanges05:50to give you the best price.05:51So I’m going to actually be showing you how to do this with,05:55but it does work with MetaMask as well.05:57Okay, so now I can connect my wallet.05:59I’m on Connect wallet.06:03Hit MetaMask.06:05It’s going to take you to this page where you’re going to connect your account.06:09So I made a demo account specifically for this purpose,06:11so I’m going to connect this one and hit Next.06:14And hit Connect.06:16And boom! Here it is. You guys can see, I’m automatically connected.06:19I have 0.2 ETH in this wallet.06:22Now, you’re going to come back over here to Ethernity Chain,06:25and you’re going to click copy.06:28So now, you’ve copied the contract address for Ethernity.06:33So I’m going to come back over here to BitSwap.06:35I’m going to search for this token.06:40I’m going to type that in there.06:42And that is going to give you the option to add it.06:46So click there.06:47And now, it’s going to be added to your list.06:50Now, you’ve got to figure out how much you want to buy.06:52So we’re going to buy 1 ETH’s worth, so we’re going to hit 0.1,06:57and then it’s going to automatically update with how much we’re going to be able to buy.07:01Then you’re going to hit Swap.07:03And hit Confirm Swap.07:06Now, we’re going to have to confirm it in our wallet,07:09so it shows you what the gas fee is.07:11The gas fee is $129,07:13so you probably are going to want to be swapping more than just a couple $100 worth,07:18or else this isn’t going to be worth it.07:20We’re going to hit Confirm.07:22And now, the transaction is going to be submitted.07:25It’s going to show up here in pending,07:26and it’s going to come through here in just a little bit and confirm.07:30So you guys can see, it has now gone through.07:32You guys see up here where it says Swap 0.1 ETH for 4.11 ERN.07:37You click here to check out the token explorer– Ethereum Explorer to see what it looks like.07:43And that’s it.07:44Then you go over here to your wallet,07:46and you need to add the asset here to the account,07:50so you’ll hit Add Token.07:51Hit Custom Token.07:53Put in the address.07:55It’s going to automatically pop up the token symbol and the number of decimals, at 18.07:59Hit Next.08:01Hit Add Tokens.08:02And now, you guys can see, it shows up in my wallet, 4.11 ERN.08:09It shows how much it’s worth.08:11And this shows your Ethereum balance up here.08:14That’s how you use MetaMask.08:15If you ever want to send this out,08:17you can click there and you can hit Send.08:19You can send it to another wallet or wherever you want to be.08:22If you have multiple accounts, you can transfer that between your account.08:24And that’s how you do it.08:26It’s that easy to use Uniswap or and MetaMask08:31to make purchases on decentralized exchanges.08:34So, guys, let me know what other tutorials you guys want.08:37What kinds of things do you guys want to see?08:40Make sure to drop those down below in the comments so we know what kind of tutorials to make.08:44That’s all I got.08:44Be blessed.08:45BitBoy out.