Crypto Is About To Flip 2022

Crypto Is About To Flip 2022

Crypto Is About To Flip 2022

Watch Inflation And The Fed

James of  MoneyZG is one sharp guy. We have become more and more impressed every day with his outlook on the crypto market.

Crypto Is About To Flip 2022

Crypto is About to FLIP – Do This Now

48,522 viewsJan 4, 2022 


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 Crypto market update and why Crypto is falling right now Enter the giveaway:… MoneyZG Crypto Course: Trade on Bybit: Celsius Wallet $50 BTC Bonus (use code 1530957b9a): Best Crypto Tools & Deals: FOLLOW ME: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Intro 0:56 Charts 3:32 Inflation 8:50 Fundamentals 11:23 Volumes USEFUL VIDEOS: Celsius Network: Pionex guide: This video is for entertainment purposes only. It is not financial advice and is not an endorsement of any provider, product or service. All trading involves risk. Links above include affiliate commission or referrals. I’m part of an affiliate network and I receive compensation from partnering websites 

Crypto Is About To Flip 2022

Crypto Is About To Flip 2022


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00:00hey guys this is a market update there’s00:01one key thing that we need to know that00:03it’s going to affect the price of00:04bitcoin and every other crypto in q100:072022 but really the first half of this00:10year and we need to know what’s going to00:11happen because what happens with00:13inflation is going to affect everything00:15else i’m going to talk about that in00:16this video i’m going to have a market00:17update with the price of bitcoin00:19ethereum and some other things that i’m00:20looking at i think all of these factors00:22are going to affect the price of the00:24crypto markets in the first half of 202200:27i’m actually still very bullish but00:28there’s things to watch out for so let’s00:30get into it firstly before we get into00:31the video i have a cryptocurrency00:33giveaway in january so go ahead and00:36enter that if you want i’m giving away00:37ten thousand dollars of crypto uh just00:40come and follow me on twitter um this00:42this giveaway is actually sponsored by00:44pioneer x they’re a crypto trading bot00:45platform i use them you can see i’ve got00:47some bots running um at the moment um00:50i’ll leave the link in the description00:51just go ahead and enter that you could00:52win uh up to ten thousand bucks but i00:54want to get into the bitcoin chart00:57now everyone says cryptocurrency is00:59extremely volatile and i do agree with01:01them the last few months have been01:03boring right we’ve been in this huge01:05consolidation phase and we are still in01:07this we’re actually at the bottom of01:08this range right now um and i have to01:10actually redraw this area of value uh01:13just to make it longer because we’ve01:14just been ranging for so long and the01:17thing is is that um really the market is01:20anticipating what’s going to happen with01:23rates right so obviously at the moment01:26the fed has come out and said we need to01:28raise interest rates we need to stop the01:29buying because inflation is so high01:31inflation figures are the absolute key01:34to watch out for with the price of01:36bitcoin so i want to01:37touch on that later but for now in terms01:39of technical analysis we’re just still01:41in this range it just seems like every01:43time there is a bid01:45trying to raise the price of bitcoin it01:47gets hit and sellers come in and just01:49force it down volumes are low01:52and the volatility is low and it just01:54seems like we are ranging here it seems01:56like we’re waiting for some actual01:58economic figures to be coming out um02:00late in the later weeks so that’s where02:02we are for now also looking at ethereum02:04um ethereum looks really quite strong02:07and there’s some reasons for this02:09so you saw this dip out of this area of02:11value right so we had this consolidation02:13phase once more we actually dipped02:14underneath right so sellers came in and02:16said right let’s try and test this and02:19it looks like buyers have come back in02:20and pushed the price up why is that i02:23think it’s because of nft volumes02:26so going over to june analytics we can02:28see nft trading volumes on openc you02:30know we definitely had a lull right02:32towards the end of last year october02:34definitely trading volumes came off but02:36look at what’s happening now we’re just02:37seeing nft trading volumes tick up once02:39again on openc we have another one right02:41here you can definitely see that nfg02:44trading volumes are ticking up and02:46obviously to trade nfts you need02:48ethereum and that is where i think the02:51demand is coming from to basically keep02:54ethereum um in this kind of02:56consolidation phase or not um going down02:59as much as it may otherwise so some03:01fundamental usage is keeping the price03:04high and that’s a theme that i’m looking03:06at in the future where where i want to03:08invest is basically in chains that have03:11fundamental usage right so actual people03:13actual economies built on top and03:15definite demand for a token for a use03:17case and that will obviously um be very03:20beneficial for that token in the future03:22so that’s what i’m looking at going into03:242022 and beyond is really actual use03:26cases and where the actual people are03:29using these tokens that’s really where i03:31want to be the thing that will affect03:32the price most in q1 2022 is inflation03:36and not inflation itself but actually03:38how the fed deals with inflation and how03:40the rate of inflation is changing so as03:43we know most people say that bitcoin is03:45an inflation hedge right so an inflation03:47hedge is supposed to go up in value when03:49inflation rises and that is true and03:53also not true it depends on the time03:55scale and it also depends on how the fed03:58actually03:59reacts to inflation so over the long04:01term a an asset that goes up in price is04:04obviously an inflation hedge because04:06inflation is pretty much constant at04:08some level and so anything that goes up04:11um you know ahead of inflation would be04:13considered an inflation hedge and04:15equities can be an inflation hedge but04:17obviously this type of asset really is04:20kind of more towards gold or you know04:22bitcoin which is kind of a digital gold04:24in some senses an inflation hedge put04:26your money in there when inflation is04:28high um to04:30as a trade to kind of uh you know um04:32secure some sort of upward movement in04:35the price against inflation04:37now that’s kind of true and kind of not04:40for uh bitcoin so04:42we can actually just look it isn’t04:44inflation itself that changes the price04:47of bitcoin it is the u.s federal04:50reserve’s reaction to inflation and how04:53it changes interest rates and monetaries04:55policy that actually ref um affects the04:58price of bitcoin and i’ll show you this05:00on the chart so05:01obviously towards you know um in 202005:04you know when we had everything going on05:07the fed cut rates to zero to literally05:10zero right instantly they just said05:12right we’re gonna cut rates to zero and05:13we’re gonna buy 700 billion dollars05:15worth of assets right which is mostly05:17their own bonds um05:19let’s go over to the chart of bitcoin05:20and see when this happened right so we05:22can go down and what we want to do is05:24find um05:26the the the time which was march 15th05:292020. so we’ll come in here05:32march uh which is is right here it’s05:34this point here right so you had this05:35big sell-off in the market right when05:37the you know when everything was05:38happening fed stepped in and said right05:41we’re just gonna print money and we’re05:42gonna give everyone money and um we’re05:44also going to put interest rates to zero05:47literally you can see on the same day 1505:5015th of march 2020 the price of bitcoin05:54started rising05:55and it just rose and rose and rose and05:59has been rising ever since06:01so what that tells me is that the price06:04of bitcoin is related quite closely to06:06the fed printing billions of dollars06:09basically um increasing the money supply06:12and huge um06:14lack of purchasing power for the dollar06:17right so the basement of currency but06:20inflation is very high now inflation we06:22know is six percent cpi much higher than06:25that really you know that’s the official06:27figures so why isn’t bitcoin at all-time06:29highs inflation is high right so bitcoin06:31should be all-time highs but it isn’t it06:33actually started coming off around06:36november time so another article and we06:39can see the fed again is expected is is06:42expected sorry to take a very big step06:44towards a rate hike raising interest06:47rates and reducing the amount of assets06:49that it borrows essentially tightening06:51its policy making money more expensive06:55now this was in december but actually06:57they started signaling this from07:00november when they started admitting07:02that inflation wasn’t transitory07:04inflation has become a massive problem07:06it is a big problem for the fed and so07:08they need to come out hit it hard become07:10hawkish and say we’re not printing as07:12much money07:14we’re raising interest rates we want the07:15economy to slow down we want inflation07:17to slow down that was around november07:19time and you can see the price of07:21bitcoin reacted perfectly to it there07:24with rising interest rates money07:26becoming more expensive and the fed07:28saying hold your horses bitcoin has come07:30off so for me bitcoin doesn’t rise with07:34inflation it rises with essentially the07:36price of dollars and how strong or weak07:38dollars are07:39and how much they can buy you07:42so07:43obviously relating this forward07:45what the fed does now in the first half07:47of 2022 and what inflation does is going07:50to be the key thing that affects the07:52price of bitcoin and therefore um you07:54know all the other all coins that are07:56obviously going to trade off this if07:58inflation does subside a little bit the08:01fed can ease off and say hey you know08:03what we don’t have to raise interest08:05rates as quickly or as much and we can08:08be a little bit looser with monetary08:09policy i think the price of bitcoin um08:13we’ll just have a bigger bid underneath08:15it prices should kind of melt up if08:17inflation continues to be really high08:19and a big problem for the fed i think08:22the fed still has to remain very08:24hawkish reduce asset purchases you know08:27raise interest rates and just be a very08:30hawkish fed that doesn’t seem like it’s08:32going to be a very good uh thing for the08:34price of bitcoin in general so that’s08:36what i’m looking at really this year i08:38obviously don’t know what’s going to08:39happen with all of this we have to wait08:40for the numbers but if you’re looking08:42for general generally what’s going to08:43happen the price of bitcoin and08:45therefore cryptos it really is the08:46inflation figures and then how the fed08:49reacts to those08:50apart from this there are really four08:52things that i can see massive catalysts08:54for this year that i’m also looking at08:55that are going to be very separate from08:57this and i think we could still see a08:59lot of volatility maybe trading up09:01because09:02um of these events so actually i’ve got09:05them written down here the first one is09:06a spot bitcoin etf we’ve got these09:09around the world we’re really looking09:10for the states to do something right so09:12i think this is a positive if we have a09:15spot etf it’s a general positive because09:17obviously we can have a lot more cash09:20and assets flowing into the space09:22generally if a bitcoin sport etf is09:24accepted i think that’s generally a09:26positive sign09:27um the next one is stable coins and i09:29also think this is positive09:31i think this year we’re going to get a09:32lot of regulatory clarity over the09:35crypto space and i only see this as a09:37long term a good thing we need09:39regulation otherwise it will always be09:41a you know wild west market and if we09:44truly want bitcoin crypto to become 1009:4750 trillion in you know multiple years09:49time then it needs to be regulated the09:52fed has already come out and said this09:54this is the board of governors of the09:55fed they’ve come out and said here’s09:57some areas that we need to regulate uh09:59the first one or there’s a few here but10:01really the the one that i’m looking at10:03is including stable coins now circle10:05maker of usdc went before the10:08um went before congress and basically it10:11looks like they’re going to be10:12one of the chosen partners for stable10:14coins which is a very good thing10:16and stable coins for me are positive10:19stable queen regulation is positive for10:21the price of bitcoin because it just10:23means that more uh more money can flow10:25in and more money flowing in you know10:27it’s not it’s not going to just moon the10:30price overnight but it’s generally a10:32good thing in the right step the next is10:34east 2.0 i see this as a positive10:36generally for the space in many10:38different ways i’m not going to get into10:39that now because it’s very very complex10:41but ether 2.0 generally i think is a10:43very good thing for you know many other10:46app apps as well and daps and and pretty10:48much the space in general so this could10:50be a very big uh key um10:53uh like uh time for us and then rates of10:56inflation10:57this is this is not good right so what11:00we have to see is where is inflation11:03what is the fed going to do about that11:04because despite all of these three11:06things that i think may be coming in11:092022 and will be very positive for the11:11price of crypto rates and inflation is11:14really a massive cloud over absolutely11:16everything and as you’ve just seen11:18bitcoin and therefore other cryptos will11:20react most strongly to what the fed is11:23doing so that’s why i think cryptos are11:24consolidating right now i think there’s11:26just a huge amount of uncertainty about11:28what inflation is and what the fed will11:30do about that we can also see that11:31volumes are really low so if we come11:33over to exchanges right here and we see11:34the spot exchanges we can actually see11:36that volumes are just starting to pick11:39up and this is a good sign you know you11:40need high volume to really show us where11:42the price should be um you can see11:44across the board on spot exchanges we’re11:47just seeing volumes start to come back11:49in so this is a good sign obviously11:50people are coming back to trade after11:52the christmas break um you know and11:54across indexes and also derivatives as11:57well we’re just seeing um volumes just12:00start up again after the break so this12:02is a very good thing but they’re really12:03things i’m keeping an eye on the12:05fundamentals as you can see here and12:06really inflation as well um so if you do12:09want to enter the crypto giveaway uh go12:11ahead and do that i’ll leave the link in12:12the description giving away 10 000 bucks12:14thanks to pioneers you can check out a12:16tutorial that i made for them in the12:18description as well also for crypto12:20course members i’ve got over 30 videos12:23coming to the crypto course that will be12:24free for you guys um if you want to12:26check out my crypto course that will be12:27linked in the description got 30 videos12:30planned and more that are coming very12:31soon free for existing users price goes12:34up when they’re added as well but check12:35all of that out in the description i’m12:37james with money’s eg cheers for12:38watching and i’ll see in the next one English (auto-generated)