Prepare While You Still Have Time

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert join Alex Jones live via Skype from El Salvador, which is now called, “the new Statue of Liberty to the world.”


BREAKING: Max Keiser Warns The End Of The Dollar Is Near, Plus El Salvador Is The New America



Dec 29, 2023

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The Alex Jones Show

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert join Alex Jones live via Skype from El Salvador, which is now called, “the new Statue of Liberty to the world.” The dynamic duo reveals how the decline of the U.S. dollar moves downward along with globalization and population.


Benefits Of Owning Bitcoin In IRA

The Primary Advantages That Digital Currencies Have To Offer

Tax-Deferred Gains

Per Notice 2014-21 from the Internal Revenue Service, digital currencies are treated as personal property for tax purposes, thus making them eligible to be held inside a Digital IRA account. That means that any gains you accrue through your digital currency investments remain tax-free until you withdraw them from your retirement account as a distribution.


Benefits Of Owning Bitcoin In IRA

codebreaker2 hours agoThe Energy going into Bitcoin is Amazing. To overcome Bitcoin you have to control over 51% of the Network. More study on how much energy all crypto uses needs to be done. The Electrical supply for Bitcoin is an economic system in itself, separate from Bitcoin. View 1 repliescodebreaker2 hours agoAlex. You should ask Max what the price to him was for those 10-11000 Bitcoin he offered at the time? e.g 10000 at $1 each0replyreport dutchy8 hours agoso basically you put all the poor people in jail and let the bitcoin pumpers lead the good life. Wipe the streets clean remove the poor people and let the “productive people” have a ball sitting on huge profits by years of pumping on RT. I like the description of Paulsen about Bitcoin saying it is a “limited supply of nothing” sure a bunch got rich but there is no intrinsic value. There are only always bigger fools to buy it, at least for now. At least fiat has the backing of the gubmint0replyreport Army10 hours agoWhat good is living in El Salvador if there is a nuclear war ? You can run but you cannot hide . Better to stay in America .0replyreport IgbyMac12 hours agoUntil you get rid of governments, BTC will always be subject to its whims, to wit: there will be no ability for us slaves to access the internet without giving up our biometric ID. Does that sound like total freedom?? ….unfriggin’ believable.0replyreport Biggy13 hours agoThe Federal Reserve destroys this constitutional monetary system by creating a monopoly based on its fiat currency. Without the backing of gold or silver, the central bank can easily create money out of thin air. This not only devalues your purchasing power over time; it also allows the federal government to borrow and spend far beyond what would be possible in a sound money system. Without the Fed, the US government wouldn’t be able to maintain all of its unconstitutional wars and programs. The Federal Reserve is the engine that drives the most powerful government in the history of the world. Tax repeals knock down one of the tax barriers that hinder the use of gold and silver as money, and could also begin the process of abolishing the Federal Reserve’s fiat money system by attacking it from the bottom up – pulling the rug out from under it by working to make its functions irrelevant at the state and local levels, and setting the stage to undermine the Federal Reserve monopoly by introducing competition into the monetary system. In a paper presented at the Mises Institute, Constitutional tender expert Professor William Greene said when people in multiple states actually start using gold and silver instead of Federal Reserve Notes, it would effectively nullify the Federal Reserve and end the federal government’s monopoly on money. “Over time, as residents of the state use both Federal Reserve notes and silver and gold coins, the fact that the coins hold their value more than Federal Reserve notes do will lead to a “reverse Gresham’s Law” effect, where good money (gold and silver coins) will drive out bad money (Federal Reserve notes). As this happens, a cascade of events can begin to occur, including the flow of real wealth toward the state’s treasury, an influx of banking business from outside of the state – as people in other states carry out their desire to bank with sound money – and an eventual outcry against the use of Federal Reserve notes1replyreport Biggy13 hours ago23 US states move to reclaim gold and silver as legal tender U.S. States Make Bold Move to Reclassify Gold and Silver Dec. 24, 2023, 04:00 AM Bills filed in the Oklahoma and Missouri legislatures for the 2024 legislative session would eliminate state capital gains taxes on the sale of gold and silver. The legislation would also take other steps to treat gold and silver as money instead of as commodities. In Missouri, Rep Doug Richey filed HB1867 on Dec. 11. Rep. Bill Hardwick filed HB1955 on Dec. 15. The bills are companions to SB735 filed in the Senate by Sen. William Eigel earlier this month. In Oklahoma, Sen. Shane Jett filed SB1507 and Sen. Nathan Dahm is running SB1508. The enactment of any of these bills would eliminate state capital gains taxes on the sale and exchange of gold and silver bullion Gold AND SILVER AS LEGAL TENDER Under provisions in the Missouri bill, gold and silver in physical or electronic form would be accepted as legal tender and would be receivable in payment of all debts contracted for in the state of Missouri. The state would be required to accept gold and silver for the payment of public debts. Private debts could be settled in gold and silver at the parties’ discretion. Practically speaking, this would allow Missourians to use gold or silver coins as money rather than just as mere investment vehicles. In effect, it would put gold and silver on the same footing as Federal Reserve notes. Oklahoma took a similar step in 2014. Utah and Arkansas also consider gold and silver legal tender. The proposed Missouri law also includes provisions authorizing the state to invest in gold or silver “greater than or equal to one percent of all state funds” and to expressly bar any state agency, department, or political subdivision from seizing gold or silver bullion. BACKGROUND The United States Constitution states in Article I, Section 10, “No State shall…make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.” Currently, all1replyreport Biggy13 hours agoBitcoin is NSA Bitcoin is CIA Bitcoin can be track and traced. Bitcoin has 21 million fake reason it tripled to $65,000 Once $65,000 Was reached Bitcoin could hit $55,000 But from $65,000 It will resettle below $21,000 US dollars are anonymous and the government doesn’t like anonymous transactions they need to pump CBDC or cryptocurrencies that can be track. Gold and Silver are anonymous the government doesn’t like that either. Bitcoin is a fraud Bitcoin is a syops2replyreport Biggy13 hours agoHow Bitcoin Works. This is a really excellent lecture about SHA-256 and how it is used by the Bitcoin protocol, because it’s very technical (instead of using metaphors to describe how Bitcoin works), and someone who isn’t a computer nerd can take most of it in and understand what he’s saying: 1.) NSA SHA-256 is the secure hashing algorithm which is an essential part of Bitcoin’s architecture. It is an NSA hash function algorithm first published in 2001. “How Bitcoin Protocol Works” – Andreas Antonopoulos This is a really excellent lecture about SHA-256 and how it is used by the Bitcoin protocol, because it’s very technical (instead of using metaphors to describe how Bitcoin works), and someone who isn’t a computer nerd can take most of it in and understand what he’s saying: SHA-256 is a set of instructions designed and written by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) that tell a computer to follow a series of mathematical steps with any input, in the form of a string of information of any size. One thing these steps do to an input every time is compress it into an output that is always a 256-bit value called a hash. The other is encrypt it: The mathematical operations in these steps and the values they use as operands cannot be done in reverse to find the input using the hash. So the hash can be used as a fingerprint for the original data because it is impossible to guess what the output will be for any value before running it through SHA-256–– And the resulting hash appears completely random, but it is the result of a deterministic process that will produce the same hash for the same input every time. So SHA-256 (secure hashing algorithm 256) is a cryptographic one-way compression function. If you have the hash you can verify that someone else has the input value by running it through SHA-256 to see if you get the same hash. This specific hashing algorithm is an essential part of how Bitcoin works, as very eloquently explained by Antonopoulos1replyreport RAB62915 hours agoThe dollar is no where near it’s end. Debt ceilings are also an illusion.1replyreport XpatGermany19 hours agoI used to enjoy watching Mr. Keiser and his Wife on RT years back, before the banning of all things Russian. I hope you are right about El Salvadore but my intuition says a Country/Land that changes their Chain of Command like changing your underwear – often, (For the most of us.); keep a Plan B with your Essential Carry-on by the Back Door . . .just in case. -Rock On!2replyreport thewifelover19 hours agoAll debt based fiat currencies will cease to exist via central banks money printing/inflation. However, I personally THINK we’re quite a long way from that happening. How/why? As things stand & moving into 2024, “yes”, thing are ALREADY extremely desperate. But if they (central banks) want to replace currencies with a digital transaction system, they have a massive problem. The problem being, if cash is removed from society, then what no one can afford (not even central bankers) is for someone, somewhere, to hack into a countries nations grid & turn the electric off, bring down the system. “Yes”, this will cause chaos. But physiologically, it takes the power away from the central bankers. That current possibility would remind the central bankers that, in actual FACT, they’re NOT in control. Therefore I can’t help but THINK, central banks & Governments will not & can not be in a position to crash economies & from there, make you beg for a solution (i.e. digital transaction system) until they are 1001% certain that the electricity supply for the transaction system is either un-hackable, or independent of the current national grid system, for reasons already given. With the global debt & fiat based financial & economic system ALREADY insolvent, the final stage of their plan is to trigger death & destruction all around the world. By doing so, the chaos, conflicts, death & destruction is an excuse for more money printing, so keeping the current system on life support as war = debt. When enough death & destruction has been caused, that would be the ideal opportunity to create even more debt, via massive rebuilding projects. From there & right under your nose, that’s the ideal opportunity to install new national grid networks, for reasons already given = more debt. After the installation of the new national grid networks, that would be the ideal time, to now pull the plug on the “old” system, for reasons already given. Sleep & THINK on it….0replyreport Angry_White_Male21 hours agoWhat do other currencies have in common? Most if not all are backed by gold. Why wouldn’t someone want to use gold as a way to store their wealth? Would you feel safe with all of your wealth in a virtual code during a grid down scenario rather than tangible gold in your hand? Who is going to trade you food and water in an emergency for a bitcoin code? These are the things I would like Max Khazar to answer.0replyreport View 4 repliesAngry_White_Malea day agoA cyber attack or major disruption would wipe out your Bitcoin wallet Max. What happens then?1replyreport View 2 repliescodebreakera day ago95.183.52.88 Mite create a membership system using Xenforo0replyreport bsk999a day agoIt’s not a bad idea to divert some of your dollars and energy towards supporting and encouraging support of the places you agree with or where the culture of the area shows greater decency, more common sense among the population, better governance, better planning, etc. Joel Skousen recommended Saint George for you, Alex. Being stuck on the filthy and decaying West Coast (Reno) where nearly everyone is possessed and loving it, I’d give anything to have the resources and ability to move to the more wholesome, sane, and beautiful parts of Idaho and Utah where you could be starting something up yourself right now if you’d just actually listen to those inner urgings and go for it. Inspire others to support greater places and vote wisely with their dollars. Austin deserves the same exodus Los Angeles went through. Spend some time and money in El Salvador too to show some support and your vote for Bukele and leadership such as his with some of your dollars. Why not? Please don’t feed the beasts, people.0replyreport View 2 repliesbrandywiia day agoWhere are you going to flee to when the satanic globalists go after El Salvador? Will you fight then? Why not fight for your own country? Cowards3replyreport View 5 repliesAmericanArtista day agoQ. Max what will save the world? A. Anything that I’m investing in currently. Q. Max how can we save America? A. Move to El Salvador. Q Max what did you have for breakfast? A. El Salvador. Q. Mrs. Max – Who’s your daddy? A. The President of El Salvador. Q. Mrs. Max – What’s 2 + 2? A. El Salvador. Q. Max what do we call it when the earth makes 1 revolution around the sun? A. El Salvador. Here’s the real question. Did both of them give up their U.S. citizenship so they can stay in the adopted country they love so much when times get tough again?3replyreport View 2 repliescodebreakera day agoyoutu.be/4CR_WIQrN60 Max Keiser & Stacy Herbert Interview from BBB 20231replyreport humanagendaa day agoEPSTEIN PEDO COIN @BTC REQUIRES ELECTRICITY SO AS WE GO INTO HYPERINFLATION AND ELECTRICITY PRICES GOES THROUGH THE ROOF HOW WILL 90% OF PEOPLE BE ABLE TO AFFORD ELECTRICITY TO SPEND PEDO COIN @BTC ?0replyreport humanagendaa day agoGADDAFFI WAS MURDEREDE FOR STARTING THE GOLD COIN DINAR – MAX STARTED BTC AND STILL ALIVE COS ITS EPSTEIN SYSTEM COIN = PEDO COIN @BTC0replyreport humanagendaa day agoELSALVADOR – WHY WOULD CIA ALLOW INTERFERENCE IN THEIR VAST DRUG TRAFFICKING WITHOUT CONSEQUECE – ONLY IF ITS A CIA GAMEPLAN ?2replyreport codebreakera day agoTesting out Telegram… , 88 88 88 880replyreport humanagendaa day agomax used to push real gold money silver money and used to attack the fiat system , now pushes public blockchain epstein pedo coin where all transactions are 100% public thus benefitting our incoming communist leaders to attack behaviour to digital coins ?3replyreport View 1 replieshumanagendaa day agobtc = swiss bank coin , btc = cia coin , btc = epstein group coin = pedo coin @btc . no one knows who created it cos its system coin .2replyreport LostEmpirea day agoHe also said that bitcoin would be At around 200,000 k by now.2replyreport Thatsright123a day agoStacey looks like a hunger games character0replyreport View 1 repliesThe Jesuit Spella day agoImagine making a living by talking about money. What are these people producing?1replyreport Greymana day agoMax has been saying that same BS for years.3replyreport Greymana day agoI don’t trust Max and Stacy. Bitcoin is a temporary solution.2replyreport brandywiia day agoWill Bitcoin still work during a cyber attack?2replyreport View 2 replies